Thursday, November 25, 2010

Weekly Wrap

Been a bit slack this week with posts - so thought I'd do a wrap up today. 

First - as you know.. I like to watch people.  No.. not in a creepy way.. promise!  Two sights this week that I haven't seen before..   The first was watching a man waiting for an elevator.. the door opens.. and in the lift was a group of Buddhist Monks all dressed in robes.  The guy waiting did a very obvious double take before tentatively getting in the lift.  That would be one spiritual ride man..   Reminds me of a Buddhist quote.  "All know the way.. but few actually walk it".  Apparently some take the lift.

Second was a bike rider, stopped at the traffic lights.  Two police officers on bikes rode up beside him, and he didnt notice.  He then casually looks to his side, and nearly fell off his bike when the policeman said hello.  I was waiting for a bike chase, but unfortunately, that didnt ensue.  Also, the soundtrack to Benny Hill was just in my head.

Today's news had a group of ten in a fitness class, plus the trainer, get caught in the surf, and have to get pulled in by lifesavers.  That is one tough trainer.. "Come on.. it's not doing you any good unless you can feel the pain!!  FEEL THE PAIN!!...  No - wait.  Don't take them back to the beach, we haven't finished our session yet!".

We have Gojira - a fancy, space aged boat, heading out to tackle the whalers again this season.  As you recall, last year ended with a sunk boat, and an arrested protester.  This year.. bigger boat.. and Michelle Rodriguez - so umm.. sorry.  Mind wandered..

Anyway - the name Gojira is actually Japanese for Godzilla - so if this all ends with the girl falling in love with the boat, but the boat getting sunk.. well.. they were kind of asking for it.  We haven't been advised if the Japanese are bringing their largest fishing boat.. King Kong.  Good luck peeps.. save the whales!

Finally, MI6 has been embarrassed by an imposter.  They paid Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour lots of money because they thought he was a high level Taliban leader who could negotiate with both sides.  Turns out he is either just a lowly commander, a shopkeeper, or just some guy with a beard.  Reference checks people.. reference checks!

In local news, we have a tiger snake under the cattle grid, who seems to have a love hate relationship with my wife.  "I can see you!."  Snake slithers.. "I can still see you"... Snake slithers some more...  I'm not jealous.   Hot house has a cover now, and we can start to 'renovate' inside.  Exam's and assignments over for this study period.. and.. wait for it.. Week 1 of next study period starts Monday.  Have a great weekend.

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